Monday, May 4, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

YouTube - Dancing Pitbull .......... FUNNY : )

YouTube - Dancing Pitbull .......... FUNNY : )

responsible dog ownership

Ownership is such an ugly word when it comes to our dogs. I look at myself as a guardian instead of an owner. After all I am their care giver, their trainer, their friend, and I give them safety and attention. That is more descriptive of a guardian than an owner.

Ownership implies they are property, of lesser value than anything else around me, it compares them to my car or my computer. This is simply the wrong "face" to put on raising American Pit Bull Terriers if you ask me.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

If we hold to Gandhi's words, then we are doomed to damnation in the worst parts of hell for our treatment of our animals.

For we as a society have failed miserably to uphold our end of the canine/human bargain.

Specifically, our treatment of the American Pit Bull Terrier. The most abused and mistreated breed in the world today.

If it's not the dog fighters and thugs, its the freaked out general public

Either way, Pit Bulls get the dark end of the stick as my Dad always says.

I was searching through some old clippings and newspaper articles the other day and I was astounded to find dozens of "Pit Bull mauls 10 year old, Dog put down, child scarred for life!" type news headlines dating back as early as 1983.

However you slice it, it seems Pit Bulls are always getting a bad deal. On one hand they are fought, abused, neglected, and killed for fun by sadistic punks and on the other hand you have humanics putting them to sleep "for their own good."

When will it end? When will we be able to go out in public and be able to hold our heads up high without hurrying about some smart remark or worse, some tormentor who has nothing better to do than bother us with their "opinions"?

I'm not completely sure when that time will come. Hopefully in my life time. If not, my children's. If not then their children's, and if not, well, you get the picture. :o)

I believe it will happen in my life time because of the progress we are making as responsible guardians. However, progress has a way of stopping when you think it's going great.

No, it will not change until the real problem is addressed.

People are the problem. Always have been.

People are and have always been the problem. It has almost nothing to do with dogs at all if you really think about it.

People created the APBT. People created domesticated dogs for that matter. Then we put these super dog expectations on them and ask them to behave better than our children! What's up with that?

Everyday people sit and watch TV and hear about how someone murdered someone else and go about their evening like nothing happened.

Then they hear about a 6 year old girl who was bitten by a "pitbull" and it's "break out the fire and lanterns Jerry! We're going on a witch hunt! Yippppeeeee!" time.

What's up with that?

We set impossible expectations on our dogs and for the most part, they live up to them

Be honest. Would you expect a child to sit for 5 minutes before allowing them to have a ball?

Be honest. Would you expect a 3 month old baby to get up, walk to the toilet, lift the lid, and take a pee?

Be honest. Would you expect a traumatized child in foster care to love everyone they see and never show ill will towards anyone? Even their abusers?

I wouldn't expect these things. Yet, we ask our dogs to do them all the time.

Here's an example of how high our expectations are

I receive email's everyday. Dozens of them start out like this...

"My dogs Wiggles and Wags drive me nuts. They don't go outside, they pee in the house, they bark a lot, they nip and chew on everything. I'm at my wits end! help!"

My response: "How old are wiggles and wags?"

Their reply to me: "7 and 8 weeks old."

HELLO! Knock, knock anyone home up there?

See how high expectations are? These are not made up situations either, I have 7 email's like this in my inbox right now. It's insane. They are expecting the equivalent of a week old baby to act like grown ups.

Dog Guardianship is Your Choice, What do you Choose?

Willy Wonka had his Everlasting Gobbstoppers. We have our Disposable American Pit Bull Terriers (and other dogs for that matter).

Our choice is simple. Either we start to live up to our end of the bargain or not.

You either value your dogs companionship and life, or you don't.

Sadly, many people hold the value of a dogs life no higher than that of a BicTM lighter they get from a gas station. They are both disposable.

Until we start holding ourselves to a higher moral standard the problems we face today will only magnify themselves exponentially until the problem is so great it is unstoppable.

Either we stop the ignorance, abuse, cruelty, and hatred or we sink with it.

I'm not that old (30) but I remember a time when we had morals and honor was a word that was held high in our society.

Common sense and self-realliance were abundant. Now these two words are as foreign as "Ehren Sie sich, Ihr Hund, Ihre Familie und halten Sie sich zu einem höheren moralischen Standard."

Thank you for reading and have a great day.

Monday, March 30, 2009



YouTube - pitbulls are cute!

YouTube - pitbulls are cute!

pitbulls =making sense

PitBulls, Red Nose, Blue Pit Bulls, American Pit Bull Terriers, What on Earth does all of this mean!?

By Jason Mann

If you are confused about all the names you see associated with the American Pit Bull Terrier the following article will help answer your questions and clear up some common misconceptions too.

First and foremost there is only one breed of dog that can be called a "Pit Bull" and that is "The American Pit Bull Terrier."

The APBT is the only breed with the words, "Pit Bull" in its name, therefore when someone refers to a "Pit Bull" using capital letters they are talking about a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier.

What happened is, the media and people who don't have a clue about what a real APBT looks like started attaching generic names to dogs that are similar in appearence.

The most common dogs referred to as "pitbulls" are:

  • The American Staffordshire Terrier (a close cousin to or some think the same breed as the APBT)

  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier (also referred to as the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier)

  • The American Bulldog

  • The Dogo Argentino

  • The Bull Terrier

  • The Presa Canerio

  • The American Pit Bull Terrier

  • or any mix of the above breeds.

Red Nose, Blue Nose, Black Nose, and other Noses

How this nose color craze started I'm not sure of. However, I do have an idea about what caused it.

There are many types of American Pit Bull Terrier. You have show dogs, working dogs, and various line types. One of the most famous line types is the Colby line.

You also have breed types. More on this in a later article. Right now we'll stick with a basic understanding of the two.

Breed Types - A breed of dogs appearance as a breed. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a medium sized dog that is well built and muscular that ranges from 35-65 lbs in weight. This is a breed type.

Line Types - Line types are a result of a specific breeding programs effects on the breed type. Going back to the Colby example, after 100 years of line breeding they have produced a distinct looking do. Black brindle with white blazes or completely white heads. They also have a fawn and fawn/white type of dog they produce.

Sorrell dogs are another example line type. Sorrell dogs are usually fawn with no other colorings and a black muzzle and nose. These dogs are very "average" looking in appearance but the years of breeding have produced a distinct looking dog and after you've been around for a while you can tell a Sorrell from a Colby dog just by looking at them.

Now we get to the meat of the matter. Where did these red noses and blue noses come from?

I suspect the Old Family Red Nose dogs out of Ireland started this trend. People started calling them, "Old Family Reds" and "Red noses" because they had a distinct red coat with red nose with golden eyes. I have never seen a real Old Family Red Nose but from descriptions they were gorgeous dogs I'm sure.

So people started calling them by nose color and some even think they are different breeds.

This is crazy if you ask me.

I get questions from people saying, "I have a red/red nose, what breed is she?"

Shes a red/red nose American Pit Bull Terrier. The same goes for any APBT with a colored nose, coat or whatever. They are the same breed they just have different characteristics.

In Conclusion

There is only one Pit Bull and that is The American Pit Bull Terrier.

If they have a red nose, blue nose, blue coat, red coat, brindle coat, cream coat, fawn with white patches or a black mask, it doesn't matter at all. They are still 100% American Pit Bull Terriers (unless they are known mix breeds).

So next time some one starts talking about their different breed of APBT called a "red nose" you will know they have no clue what they are talking about and they simply have an American Pit Bull Terrier with a red nose. :o)

Stay tuned as this subject is to large to cover in one article. More will be coming soon...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Talking dogs


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Happy Happy VDAY

Hey Everybody Happy Valentines Day!!! Hope you all Have a good One!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

YA! I am LOOKING at You!!!



Here he is my little Beast. He is such a STUD!

look out!

The pitbulls will rule the world!!

Pitbull is afraid of mouse!


Hilarious Snoozin' Pitbull

Maximus Flight

Flying Pitbull Crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy Shit!!!


pitbull vs. windshield wiper funny

I love it


Pitbull Love


Who .................WHO..................Could not LOVE Daddy!

Rednose Pit Bull eats peanut butter strong dog trainer

Funny Red Nose Pitbull Taking a Bath

Pit Bull Halloween Costume Contest


loudest snoring pit bull EVER!!!!


Funny Pitbull....who says they are mean!

Funny Guy!


everyone Likes My Blog........Dedicated to HERCULES

Save our PITS!

Wow Gotta LOVE them!